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Home > Patient Records > How Do I Add / Update GOS?

 How Do I Add / Update GOS?

Press Update towards the top of the Patient window.

NHS Entitlements

Some groups of patients are entitled to free NHS sight tests and optical vouchers to help with the cost of glasses or contact lens.
You can easily select the NHS entitlement and print the appropriate GOS from a patient record or when entering a sight test.

Age related entitlements (Under 16, Over 60, Over 70) are added and updated automatically.

To Add a GOS Entitlement
Press the Change GOS Entitlement button and the window called "Select NHS Codes" will be displayed. Click on the relevant entitlement(s).

To Remove a GOS Entitlement
To remove a GOS entitlement, press the Change GOS Entitlement button and the window called "Select NHS Codes" will be displayed. Simply click on the relevant entitlement(s) to de-select them.

A blue NHS flag will now be shown where the PRIVATE flag currently sits (the default). There are also separate flags for: