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Home > Setup > How Do I add Brands and Suppliers?

 How Do I add Brands and Suppliers?


This is where new brands can be added. They can be assigned to a supplier in the Supplier screen (see below). Double-click into a blank row to enter a new Brand Name.


In this screen, the Frame Types can be assigned a Hawkstone Order Type (if EDI Ordering is being used), and there is an option for requesting ‘Polished’ lenses. The options are configurable by frame type.


In this screen, contact details of Suppliers can be viewed and updated, and new Suppliers can also be added. The screen is shown below.

Double-click onto an entry to open up the supplier. The window below opens.

Contact and Account details can be entered. To assign Brands to a supplier, click on the Brands tab. Drag and drop Available Brands across to Current Brands.

To set up a Supplier for EDI Ordering, click Ordering and the window below appears. Choose the Method. If HAWKSTONE is being used, enter your details in the Hawkstone Configuration box.