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Home > Setup > How Do I Modify the Till? > Discounts


There is a Discounts button on the over-ride facility of the Till which maps back to this tab. Various Discounts can be set to be taken off the balance owing at the Till, and some example discounts have been entered below. Simply double-click and fill out the "free-text" boxes accordingly.

Each Discount has an ID automatically created for it. The Amount can be added, along with a Description. If the Percentage check-box is ticked, the discount applied will be the Amount as a percentage not pounds.

Discounts can be marked as active or inactive. This allows discounts to be created in advance and then activated when they are needed e.g. Christmas or Summer 2 for 1 promotion. Simply check the box in the Active column to turn discounts on and off.

Discounts can be applied to a specific item or the total bill. For more details, please see How Do I Apply A Discount?

To delete a Discount, right click on the one selected and press Delete.

If you use Schemes, discounts for the Scheme Packages can be set here (normally a freehand 0.00). Tick Scheme Discount to turn them on; you will not see Discounts with Scheme ticked on the Till. 

Below are some example discounts: