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Home > The Home Screen > The Active Patient List

 The Active Patient List

The Active Patient List displays at a glance all of the Patients who are active in the practice. This is shown on the left-hand side of all screens, under the Patients tab.

Patients are added to the list when they are double-clicked and become Active, or are marked as Expected / arrived for their Appointment and are Waiting.

Patients will be displayed in the list for the following reasons:

D = Dispensing - A new Dispense has been created for the patient.

P = Paying - A new Till Receipt has been created for the patient.

T = Testing - A new Test has been created for the patient.

A = Active - The patient has been manually added to the list using Patient Search.

E = Expected - The patients appointment is due within 15 minutes.

W = Waiting - The patient has arrived for their appointment and is waiting to be tested

To remove a patient from the list, right click on them and select Dismiss Patient. A patient will be dismissed after 30 minutes of inactivity on their record. This dismissal time is customisable in the Branch setup. 

The number shown in brackets is their age.