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Home > Business Intelligence > Data Mining > Discovery


Discovery is a quick, easy to use database search function, that allows you to find patients to use within marketing campaigns.

The module is split up into five tabs (Patient, Sight Test, Contact Lens, Dispense/Orders/Till and Correspondence/Appointment) that correspond to tables in the database. Within each tab are a series of tick-boxes and drop-down menus that can be used to filter out results.

For example, if you wished to see every patient with red stars you can change the red star drop-down to 'Yes' and the others to 'No'. When you hit 'Go' at the top of the screen, this would then only show patients with red stars.

From here, you can then send the data in the form of a CSV using a variety of methods by clicking 'Send To', or you can create a postcard mailing campaign by clicking 'Postcard Mailing Campaign'.